Living YOUR Passion—Infusing New Energy into Your Life and Work

presented by Karen Putz


Feeling overwhelmed, burned out, or just plain ole tired? 

Daily stress wearing you down?

Join Karen Putz, known as “The Passion Mentor" and author of “Unwrapping Your Passion, Creating the Life You Truly Want,” as she shares how educational interpreters and itinerant teachers can tap into the energy of passion and re-discover the joy in their profession.


Learner Outcomes: 

The participant will be able to:

1) understand and identify the three places to tap into their passion as educational interpreters/itinerant teachers.

2) understand the different meanings of passion and how it impacts their work as educational interpreters/itinerant teachers.

3) identify the five levels of passion and what level they are operating from with their work.

4) list their five top passions related to the educational interpreting/itinerant teaching profession.